Monday, April 29, 2013


I have find my wall right over my bed to be really boring.(sorry wall) So I thought why not hang up posters over my bed. I didn't want just any poster. I wanted to make my own posters. I didn't want any normal sayings that show up every where. I looked and looked and looked until I found the perfect posters.
Here they are:

For each one I used a poster sheet of paper you could get it at any art store.
Just normal color pencils, sharpies, and markers.
just outline and color in. 
for a post on your wall find something that you really like or what goes to you. 

Mine go so well.
I'm really crazy and weird.
I can say something that comes out of nowhere.
I can be really odd and jump off of walls.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

25 things about me

I thought that I might tell you 25 things about me cause all you really know about me is that I do makeup. So here goes!

1. I love Asian food all kinds(yes I do eat sushi)

2. I stay up really late every night then have to get up at 7:00 every school day. I don't know why but I do.

3. I act. right know I'm doing a improv class. That's were you get up with out knowing what to say and just let your mind go loose.

4. I'm trying to learn Japanese. I don't get around to it that much.

5. I do walk around with the makeup I show you how to do on my face. 

6. Of all the makeup I've done the broken doll was the funnest to do.

7. I want all my children to have ice blue eyes.

8. I eat a lot of sugar every week.

9. Fridays are my fave day of the week(I get to see the guy I have a crush on)

10. Every Tuesday I dress up a lot. With sparkles and Tutus and makeup. 

11. I can make a conversation really awkward by saying one thing.

12. My dream vacation would be to Japan or so place in Europe.

13. I try to Ice skate twice a week.

14. Most of my pillows on my bed are animal shaped. I can't sleep without a lot of pillows

15. I fall in love with a lot of guys that Act.

16. I can't stand the smell of mushrooms.

17. Every time I work out I always bring a water bottle with me afterward and end up drinking a lot of water.

18. I love the cold more then the hot. 

19. When It rains. I love to dance and sing in it. I get over joyed when It rains.

20. Skinny jeans are the only normal pear of pants I own. I have no shorts.

21. My fave show that's no longer on is Pushing Daisies. My fave show that is on is. Psych or Doctor Who( the 11th doctor is my fave)

22. I'm really shy when I meet people but when I get to know you I get really crazy and funky and weird/

23. I do funky things to get people to smile.

24. I'm not afraid to sing and dance in front of people if its weird and funky.

25. I hate camping! There to much dirt and bugs!! The fire never gets anything cook perfectly.

Hope you enjoyed learning about me. Post a link to so facts about you. I'll love to read them!!

Elle L
Learn about others is the
 fastest way to friendship!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New life, New Style, New Me

Hey everyone this blog post is going to be a little different from the rest. 

My New Life 
Right now I'm all over the place almost every day I have something I'm doing. First of all I'm doing school. I Ice skate that takes up hours of my day! but I love it so much :D!! I act with an amazing boy I love!! I'm in a  dance class were we do different styles of dance. A film class we just started talking films!! I'm doing an art class. I have a pretty full week. There more I do each week this is just the basics. I'm all over the place and I still need to wright blog post! I try to get one out a week.
Here a picture I draw in art!

My New Style
I just cut my hair. Well a friend of mine did. Hope You like it!! Comment and tell me if you do!!

New Me
I've been doing really well in school. What I want most is to hang out with my friends more then ever!! I normally never hang out with them unless they invite me. My life is also full of drama!! I hate it you have to be nice but sometimes it hard too. So I'm going to try to hang out with friends more! Sorry I don't have that many pictures of my friends. I'll have to take some!

Elle L
Changes is a beautiful 
thing when it happens!

Monday, April 15, 2013

showers and how to get soft hair and skin.

I love showers and I love feeling nice and clean. But taking a shower everyday just makes my skin and hair super dry!! I just can't take one!!:(  I try to take a shower every two days so my hair doesn't look greasy and my skin doesn't get that dry.

After getting out of the shower I always use lotion all over my legs and arms. Don't forget some lip balm for your lips, they get dry too.

I let my hair dry a little in a towel for 10 minutes. After hanging up my towel I brush it out. If I only brush it out once then my hair drys in funky sections. So every so often I brush it through. Just let it air dry. Also rub it between a towel.

If your trying to grow your hair out don't blow dry your hair very often or flat iron or hot curl. It drys it out and damages it. Also back combing it to often is a easy way to damages your hair.

Elle L
flowing locks!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rose hair

Rose hair

I've been wanting to do rose hair for a really long time. My idea of rose hair is forming your hair to look like a rose(kinda like a rose bun) not placing roses in your hair. 

You will need thick long hair. 
I don't have thick long hair to just use all the time. Till an aunt of mine came along and let me use her hair.

bobby pins 
with the bobby pins you want to get really close to the color of your hair because you want your rose to look like its been growing out of your head.

hair spray
I used super strong hair spray. You will need a lot. To hold the rose and to shape the petals. 

that's all I used. this will take a while to do. So put time a side to do this. I thought I could do this in 10 minutes before Easter lunch. My aunt sat there with half a rose on her head eating.

Have your model lean forward.

take a piece of their hair in the middle of their head.
 use a clear rubber band to make a small little bump in the middle of their head. Let the rest of the hair from the bun hang lose. 

I used this video from YouTube byLiliana Paul
there the link

this will get you finished

sorry I don't have the normal step by step tutorial that I have. I didn't take any picture will I was doing it. The pictures would make it easier. but like I said I didn't take pictures:(

This is it finished

Elle L
Hope you can
 become flowery and fun.