Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New life, New Style, New Me

Hey everyone this blog post is going to be a little different from the rest. 

My New Life 
Right now I'm all over the place almost every day I have something I'm doing. First of all I'm doing school. I Ice skate that takes up hours of my day! but I love it so much :D!! I act with an amazing boy I love!! I'm in a  dance class were we do different styles of dance. A film class we just started talking films!! I'm doing an art class. I have a pretty full week. There more I do each week this is just the basics. I'm all over the place and I still need to wright blog post! I try to get one out a week.
Here a picture I draw in art!

My New Style
I just cut my hair. Well a friend of mine did. Hope You like it!! Comment and tell me if you do!!

New Me
I've been doing really well in school. What I want most is to hang out with my friends more then ever!! I normally never hang out with them unless they invite me. My life is also full of drama!! I hate it you have to be nice but sometimes it hard too. So I'm going to try to hang out with friends more! Sorry I don't have that many pictures of my friends. I'll have to take some!

Elle L
Changes is a beautiful 
thing when it happens!

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